Editing Services

  • Proofreading:

    • Fiction is 1.5 cents a word. (No Fact-Checking)

    • Non-fiction is 2 cents a word. (Includes Fact-Checking)

  • Book Editing:

    • Line editing is 2.5 cents a word.

    • Developmental editing is 3.5 cents a word

  • Treatment and Term Paper Editing:

    • 1.5 to 3.5 cents a word, depending on the need.

      Schedule a meeting with your editor, and we can assess what needs you have: herwordshipllc.awebber@gmail.com

Proofreading Non-fiction before publication

Proofreading is the stage of publishing a book that comes directly before the book goes to print. After the copy has been edited (with any grammar issues taken care of) and seems ready to go, this is when the proofreading stage begins. It’s my job to meticulously comb through your proof to see if the copy editor has missed anything and to catch any mistakes that may have inadvertently been introduced into the final file, such as:

1. Incorrect numbering of pages

2. Inaccurate indexing

3. Misaligned text

4. Additional or missing spaces between words

Since this is a non-fiction book, there will be fact-checking

Please contact your editor at:


2 cents a word.

Line Editing

As your line editor, I will ensure that the sentences in your book (or article) are effective and succinct. I will work line-by-line, to tighten up sentence structure so the language is sharp and clear. I analyze the word choice, character names, and settings to determine overall themes and meanings. I will focus on syntax, tone, and emotion, which contribute to the manuscript. Finally, I will also consider and comment on the overall pacing and logical flow of a piece. Please contact your editor at:


2.5 cents a word

Developmental Editing

As your Developmental Editor, I will focus on resolving “big picture” issues in your manuscripts, including structure, form, plot, and character. Since this type of editing focuses on wider story elements, we won’t address sentence-level errors such as punctuation and grammar typos. I will bear your target audience in mind and assess your work in relation to industry standards and expectations. Once the developmental editing contract is complete, we can move on to line editing for an additional price of 3.5 cents a word. Please contact your editor at:


3.5 cents a word

Treatment and Term Paper Editing

Have your 2-5 page novel treatment or term paper professionally edited. This is a primary developmental editing service for those who have had a publisher request a treatment or outline. As well as term papers that need developmental and line-editing work. For treatments/papers longer than 5 pages: $80 per hour will be charged.


1. Developmental editing.

2. Copy editing to pick up any grammar or spelling errors.

3. Incorrect numbering of pages

4. Inaccurate indexing

5. Misaligned text

6. Additional or missing spaces between words

1.5 to 3.5 cents a word, depending on the need.

Schedule a meeting with your address, and we can assess what needs you have: herwordshipllc.awebber@gmail.com

Proofreading Fiction Before Publication

Proofreading is the stage of publishing a book that comes directly before the book goes to print. After the copy has been edited (with any grammar issues taken care of) and seems ready to go, this is when the proofreading stage begins. It’s my job to meticulously comb through your proof to see if the copy editor has missed anything and to catch any mistakes that may have inadvertently been introduced into the final file, such as:

1. Incorrect numbering of pages

2. Inaccurate indexing

3. Misaligned text

4. Additional or missing spaces between words

No fact-checking.

Please contact your editor at:


1.5 cents a word