Everyone Has a Story
One reason that I wanted to start my own business was to specifically teach memoir writing classes. My mom took a memoir class for years down in Palm Desert, CA taught by the lovely Tammy L. Houts who runs TLC Writing Retreats for Women. Tammy, as my inspiration, showed me what an incredible thing the class was for her students. The classes not only capture moments in the writer’s life like a photograph turned into words but there is also a bit of catharsis that happens along the way. Those who take her classes look at all they’ve accomplished, survived, done, and then truly see what remarkable human beings they are. It’s very empowering. I decided…
Setting Up Services
Setting up my writing and editing services has been exciting and since my new business is in the area of my expertise and my loves, I can’t wait to get to ‘work’. I remember an old friend accountant who had started his own business saying, “I don’t take the job if I don’t think it’s going to be fun.” I wondered if anyone would consider anything in the world of accounting ‘fun’ but I guess that’s why I’m not an accountant and he is. My list of…
My Classes
I’m excited to begin teaching my classes. I’m holding all of my classes in person at 1220 Main St. Vancouver, WA. (see map). On the 4th floor in the conference room. I will eventually begin online classes, but I haven’t scheduled any yet. Please keep track of this website if you are interested in online classes. Until then…
Designing the Website
Beginning a new business means having a website. And what is more exciting than designing your own website? I’m sure there are a few things. But, I decided that since I am a writer and an intelligent woman, I can learn anything. Granted, I’m not really designing my own website since I’m going through SquareSpace. They design it all. Basically. I just need to learn the ins and outs of the process. And when things go wrong, which they have, I need to know…
Moving into the Office
Moving day finally came. I had looked at the first office in February, got my business license in March, got this office in April, and then waited and waited until I could move into my little piece of the sky. On August 1, 2022, my friend Pearl (Thank you Pearl!) helped me move in. All that time in between was filled with a few things:
I had to get the guts to tell my boss and office mates that I was quitting my full-time, okayly paid, job.
I had to save…
Finding an Office
I knew that if I was starting a business, I needed an office. I’m such a people person that I need to be around people during the day. I need my quiet time, too, but I knew that an ‘at home’ office wasn’t going to cut it. I also got some advice from my big brother Frank that confirmed my belief. He said that getting an office makes it real. And it lets all those around you know that you’re not just doing this…
Her Wordship Begins
On March 16, 2022, I applied for my business license. The most difficult part of that process was thinking up a name for my business. Names are hard because I know how important they are. They mean everything. Book titles have to set the right tone and rhythm for the entire book. So important. Your character names can create mental images for your readers that will make or ruin the book. Names of towns, pets, favorite hangouts, etc. can create images…